Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Live Music and Second Life.

When I first joined Second Life, I've never even though of the possibility that Live Music could exist within a game. If someone ever told me about this concept before, I would have though it as a Science Fiction, but hey we live in 21st century and everything can be possible. First time I came across a live concert in Second Life was a band that played at this huge concert area, and to tell you the sim was full. I think it must have been over 60-100 avatars across this huge area, and the lag almost became unbearable. This was back in April 2008. And since then I got hooked up on the Live Music scene in Second Life. I've heard a lot of solo and the occasional bands play in the virtual world, and I think this is a great opportunity for solo artists and bands to present their music in a completely different environment. It gives a lot of space to improvise, experiment and do anything you would or wouldn't do in front of a real audience. While some only need a microphone and acoustic guitar, some also represent themselves using electronic instruments, like synthesizers, beat machines, electric guitars and rigs. Gives the possibility for a whole band to hook up on a stream using only a mixer, or they can be all over the world, using nothing but a Ninjam stream to synchronize and stream in Second Life. For all those new to this concept and have an account in Second Life, there is nothing stopping you to check out these events. Just log into the virtual world, check the events tab and look for Live Music. There is literally thousands of these events every week. Great way to listen to new music, meet new people, and even talk to the musicians. I can suggest you thousands of musicians and bands you should listen to, but hey why not discover them yourself.

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